Tłum ludzi podczas Juwenaliów w Łomży
  • 13 Lis 2018Education in the USA

    Godzina: 10:00 - 12:00

    Lokalizacja: ul. Akademicka 14, aula 315

    Organizator: Akademickie Studium Języków Obcych

    Opis wydarzenia:

    "November 12th – 16th is International Education Week. During this week, the Fulbright Program encourages its grant recipients, especially English Teaching Assistants, to reach out to local communities and teach them about United States higher education. On Tuesday, November 13, 2018, two Fulbright English Teaching Assistants will be giving a presentation at the Łomża State University of Applied Sciences. One of these ETAs is Kayla Frey, a Fulbright recipient currently placed at the university. The second ETA is Rachel Kessler, a Fulbright recipient currently placed in Kraków. Their presentation will take place at 10:00 and will cover topics related to the Fulbright Program, the United States higher education system, and regional cultural differences in America."